A storytelling production company

What we do

Big Shoulders Stories partners with organizations to
to craft and share true personal narratives.

What we believe

Chicago is indeed the city of the big shoulders- broad, proud, and strong enough to do more and be better.
Big Shoulders Stories strives to combine the magic of storytelling with the power of the voices of those
working to change our communities.  

“City of the Big Shoulders…
Come and show me another city with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and cunning…
Building, breaking, rebuilding”

                                Chicago, by Carl Sandburg

Why stories matter

“Storytelling can change our hearts and our minds…
helps us see each other in a new light, to have empathy, to recognize that for all our diversity we are humans first... so we can see and hear what we might have been afraid of seeing and hearing. Stories, they really can change people.”
                                                                 Jane Fonda, 2021

Why we do it

When someone’s personal story
is written and told in their own
voice it challenges dominant
narratives, inspires greater
confidence in the storytellers
that their story matters,
and deepens connection
across communities.

What’s your story?

Interested in learning more? Sign up for our newsletter, Big Shoulders Press

I’d love to hear your story! Send a message to suzy@bigshouldersstories.com

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